The Daily Psyop

Where Skepticism Meets Insight


Zelensky Requests Marina Abramovic To be Ambassador for Rebuilding Ukraine's Schools

What did Zelensky mean by this?

Warning: This article contains disturbing pictures.

And understand that some of what might disturb you as you scroll, those who rule over you would consider “art”.

A week ago on Sept. 22nd, the Telegraph published: “Zelensky Asks Marina Abramovic to be Ambassador for Ukraine”

As the Telegraph reported, Marina Abramovic’s last performance (like many of her others) was a nude performance. This one was actually recreating a previous performance of hers from 1977, where she and her husband stood nude in a doorway facing each other as entrants to the exhibit had to squeeze by the nude artists.

Marina Abramovic is a name that elicits a strong reaction from many. While some might call her a provocative performance artist, others call her a Satanist, a label she shrugs offs and denies.

She is most famous in the public zeitgeist for her “spirit cooking” ceremonies, which came to the public spotlight in the aftermath of the Podesta leaks, An email revealed John Podesta and his brother Tony Podesta being invited by Marina to a spirit cooking ceremony.

Marina Abramovic, Spirit Cooking, Podesta Leaks


MIT Press reported:

”Just to recap what happened [in 2016]: an email Abramovic wrote to her longterm friend and collector Tony Podesta showed up in a wikileaks stash. In the email, Abramovic invited Podesta’s brother John, now Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager, to join them at a “Spirit Cooking” dinner in her apartment in New York. Infowars reported what they thought Abramovic’s “Spirit Cooking” is and concluded that she and Clinton’s retinue are straight-up Satanists.”

Speaking of MIT. I feel the need to share a very interesting article I read by Yoichi Shimatsu, former editor of the Japan Times Weekly. In 2012, he wrote “Was Aaron Swartz Killed By An MIT Satanic Child Porn Ring?”.

Some interesting allegations in that 2012 article, some concerning Nicholas Negroponte, the founder of the MIT Media Lab. By 2019, those allegations, make a little more sense. But they concerned not just Negroponte.


Tony Podesta is not only significant because of his brother being a DNC heavyweight insider, but Tony Podesta ran a powerful law firm until being caught up in the 2016 Mueller debacle.

As the New York Times Wrote in 2021, “The Russia Inquiry Ended a Democratic Lobbyist’s Career. He Wants It Back.”:

Mr. Podesta is not just any former lobbyist.

Over the course of three decades, he built one of the highest-grossing firms in Washington, representing companies and interests across industries and ideologies, including military contractors like Lockheed Martin and Boeing, big banks, a tobacco company, pharmaceutical makers and foreign governments including that of Hosni Mubarak, the authoritarian former Egyptian leader, Myanmar’s military junta and entities connected to the Saudi government.”

Vice reported on the spirit cooking email found in the Podesta Leaks in a November 2016 article titled: “Hillary Clinton Confusingly Accused of Satanism Thanks to Marina Abramović Email

In a statement issued to the Creators Project and VICE, Abramović wrote that they did, in fact, have a dinner, “which Tony Podesta attended and which John was invited to but could not attend.”

“Tony Podesta is a longstanding friend of mine,” Abramović stated. “These comments relating to his brother John are absurd. I have never met John Podesta. I am astonished and appalled that references to my work are being misrepresented in this way to use for political capital.”


So what is spirit cooking?


Found of The Daily Psyop. Passionate about Foreign Policy. Have been actively involved in Independent Media since 2019.

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