The Deep State™ Must Be Absolutely Petrified By The Trump Administration Using Terrorism™ Laws To Go After College Students Who Have The Audacity To Protest Israel
🔗SOURCE ➡️ Michael Tracey
Related: Michael Tracey: You don’t understand! When Trump bombed Syria twice, tried to overthrow the government of Venezuela, started arming Ukraine, expanded NATO twice, got record-busting military budgets, dropped a record number of bombs in Afghanistan, signed off on FISA warrantless surveillance, imposed massive sanctions on Russia, tore up arms control treaties, handed over the State Department to Mike Pompeo, stationed US troops in Taiwan, assassinated Iran’s top general, conducted a record number of drone strikes, installed a Raytheon Lobbyist as his Defense Secretary, gave Israel absolutely everything it wanted, did enormous arms deals with Saudi Arabia, and most recently orchestrated the passage of the $100 Billion War Funding Bill, he was doing all that to fight the Deep State
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