MAGA Crowd and fake libertarians at the moment Related: Dave Decamp: In 1776 The U.S. Seceded From An Empire,…
NOTHING TO SEE HERE. MOVE ALONG... 9/11 Related: Trump called into a live broadcast on 9/11 and questioned how…
Trump called into a live broadcast on 9/11 and questioned how a plane could possibly go through steel beams(1 minute,…
Want to know the truth about Nikki Haley and Donald Trump? Theyre both establishment Neocons Related: Trump Jerking Off…
"It Isn't Imperialism When My Guy Does It!" See: 1/7 - Trump Does Not Rule Out "Military or Economic…
Thomas Massie trying to Drain the Swamp *MAGA* That Face When The Same Republicans Complaining about RINOs Nominate Mike…
Thomas Massie Responding to "You unfollowed me why⁉️" "The ridiculous $16 million Schiff resolution (a litmus test for whether can…
Censorship Didn't Go Away, Just Rebranded. WSJ Just Reported on SpaceX Cozying up With Intelligence Agencies, US Military... My X…
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