Study links high sugar intake to increased risk of breast cancer – Robin Monotti + Cory Morningstar
Study links high sugar intake to increased risk of breast cancer
‘When it comes to the rising rates of obesity, sugar is deemed a key culprit. But high sugar intake may not only lead to weight gain; a new study claims it can increase the risk of breast cancer and hasten spread of the disease to the lungs.’
“Compared with mice fed the starch-control diet, those fed the sucrose- and fructose-enriched diets were more likely to develop breast cancer.
At the age of 6 months, for example, the team found 30% of the mice fed the starch-control diet had breast cancer tumors, compared with 50-58% fed the sucrose-enriched diet.”
READ FULL ARTICLE: This article originally appeared on Robin Monotti + Cory Morningstar