Oct. 7 is to Radical Zionists As Covid was to Davos Elite: Convenient to a Pre-Existing Depopulation Agenda
As Covid was from NIH, Hamas was spawned from Israel. Like Covid, there was a delayed response to the threat. Like Covid, the fear and panic this resulted in was conducive to a pre-existing agenda
Hamas was Spawned by the Mossad and IDF, Just as Covid was From the NIH and Wuhan
Not only did the IDF and Mossad fail to intercept the attack despite indicating intel, But the response was a disaster. Evidence indicates after arriving, IDF Fired on Hamas and Israelis alike.
In the wake of October 7th, many critical thinkers and so called conspiracy theorists began to ask questions like, “How did the world’s premier intelligence agency get taken by surprise by hamas paragliders flying over the most heavily surveilled border in the world?”
Indeed, Israeli intelligence shouldn’t have been caught off guard as bad as they seemed to be, as Israel had plenty of warnings the attack was coming, including from its own intelligence analysts, not to mention Egyptian intelligence.
And it wasn’t just the fact that the respected armed forces and intelligence agency of the country was apparently caught by surprise, but the response itself was equally embarrassing, leaving many Israelis furiously dissatisfied with Netanyahu’s government.
This article will move on to cover the evidence that points to a possible intelligence stand-down that allowed the attack happen, and explore the motive for why Israeli leadership might have allowed the attack to happen – the central theme of this article, on a similar vein as the large piece I wrote in August about “The Suspiciously Convenient Timing of Covid for the Davos Elite and the WEF’s ‘Great Reset” and the circumstances around Covid.
This article will also explore evidence that the IDF fired on Israeli citizens on Oct 7th – the casualties of which would be blamed on Hamas of course…
But for now, this article will start at the beginning of where this story is concerned, when Israel began its policy of supporting Hamas.
Israel Supported and Funded Hamas to Divide Palestinian State, ‘Be able to Treat Gaza as a Hostile State”
‘Hamas, to my great regret, is Israel’s creation.’ – Avner Cohen, Former Israeli Religous Affairs Official
In 2009, The Wall Street Journal published the above quote in an article titled, “How Israel Helped to Spawn Hamas”
“Hamas, to my great regret, is Israel’s creation,” says Mr. Cohen, a Tunisian-born Jew who worked in Gaza for more than two decades. Responsible for religious affairs in the region until 1994, Mr. Cohen watched the Islamist movement take shape, muscle aside secular Palestinian rivals and then morph into what is today Hamas, a militant group that is sworn to Israel’s destruction.
Instead of trying to curb Gaza’s Islamists from the outset, says Mr. Cohen, Israel for years tolerated and, in some cases, encouraged them as a counterweight to the secular nationalists of the Palestine Liberation Organization(PLO) and its dominant faction, Yasser Arafat’s Fatah. Israel cooperated with a crippled, half-blind cleric named Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, even as he was laying the foundations for what would become Hamas.
It was a classic case of divide and conquer.
Spike Cohen summarized the history well, tweeting:
If it wasn’t for Israel’s government, Hamas might not even exist at all. Starting in the late 1970s, the Israeli government decided that they wanted a radical Islamist “counterweight” to the PLO, which was run by Yasser Arafat’s secularist and left-wing Fatah party.
Their thinking was that, if the Palestinians were busy fighting each other, they wouldn’t be able to fight Israel. Divide and conquer.
Starting in the late 1970s, they began giving direct funding to a fringe group of radicals, their organizations, and their mosques. One of them was Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, leader of the Muslim Brotherhood in Gaza, who had also formed the Islamist group Mujama al-Islamiya. They were recognized as a charity by the Israeli government in 1979, and started receiving funding soon after. Brig. Gen. Yitzhak Segev, who was the Israeli military governor in Gaza at the time, said that he was given a budget to fund these mosques and organizations, and was told to give them preferential treatment over the PLO.
Cohen wrote an official report to his superiors in the 1980s, where he warned them against continuing this strategy. “I suggest focusing our efforts on finding ways to break up this monster before this reality jumps in our face,” he wrote at the time.
They didn’t listen. In 1987, those groups formed Hamas, and the rest is history. Thousands of innocent Israelis and Palestinians killed. And as we see today, that death count continues to rise.”.
One year after The Wall Street Journal quoted Avner Cohen in saying that Hamas was Israel’s creation, In 2010 it was revealed through Wikileaks that the former Israeli Military Intelligence chief said in 2007 Israel would be ‘happy’ if Hamas takes over in Gaza. Days later, Hamas violently took over Gaza.

12/20/2010 — Jerusalem Post: Yadlin: Israel Would be ‘Happy’ if Hamas Takes Over Gaza — Wikileaks Cable
Wikileaks cable reveals ex-MI chief dismissed Iran’s influence over Hamas, said IDF could deal with Gaza as hostile state if Hamas ruled.
In what appears to have been a faulty intelligence assessment, outgoing head of Military Intelligence Maj.-Gen. Amos Yadlin said in the summer of 2007 that Israel would be “happy” if Hamas took over the Gaza Strip and if that happened Iran’s influence over Gaza would be insignificant, according to an American diplomatic cable released by Wikileaks on Monday.
The cable dated June 13, 2007 summarized a meeting between Yadlin and Richard Jones, the US ambassador at the time to Israel. Hamas violently took over Gaza several days later.
Don’t make any mistake though, it wasn’t just in the 1970’s that Israel propped up Hamas, and the policy didn’t stop in the early 2000’s either… you can go back to as recently as 2020, “The Israeli government was begging Arab governments to continue funding Hamas.“
Qatar is to Mossad as the Wuhan Lab was to NIH — A Foreign Proxy to Funnel money into Shady Shit They Shouldn’t be Overtly be Funneling Money Into
2/24/2020 — Haaretz: Mossad Chief Visited Doha, Urged Qatar to Continue Hamas Financial Aid
Israeli visit disclosed by Avigdor Lieberman, who says Mossad chief and Israeli military commander were sent on the mission by Netanyahu
Mossad Chief Yossi Cohen visited Doha on February 5 in order to ensure Qatar continues its financial aid policy to the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip…“
None other than Mr. Netanyahu himself had send the Mossad chief and an Israeli Military Commander to “beg the Qataris to keep funneling money into Hamas.”

Keep in mind, the entire objective of this long-standing policy of Israel supporting Hamas, both overtly and covertly, boils down to Israel wanting to disrupt and prevent Palestinian Statehood.
In 2019 The Jerusalem Post published the article: “Netanyahu: Money to Hamas Part of Strategy to Keep Palestinians Divided”
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu defended Israel’s regular allowing of Qatari funds to be transferred into Gaza, saying it is part of a broader strategy to keep Hamas and the Palestinian Authority separate
…The prime minister also said that, “whoever is against a Palestinian state should be for” transferring the funds to Gaza, because maintaining a separation between the PA in the West Bank and Hamas in Gaza helps prevent the establishment of a Palestinian state.
This history, this matter of public record which some trolls and intellectual cowards pretend doesn’t exist, most certainly plays a big role in why recent polls show that four out of five Israelis blame Netanyahu for the attack.
10/12/23 — Jerusalem Post – Poll: Majority Blames Gov’t for Hamas Massacre, Says Netanyahu Must Resign
Four out of five Jewish Israelis believe the government and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu are to blame for the mass infiltration of Hamas terrorists into Israel and the massacre that followed, a new Dialog Center poll released on Thursday found.
An overwhelming majority – 86% of respondents, including 79% of coalition supporters, said the surprise attack from Gaza is a failure of the country’s leadership
Just a few days ago, on Nov 11th, Haaretz published: “‘Netanyahu Must Go, Now’: Israel’s Newly Bereaved Families Are Holding One Man Responsible “
Gadi Kedem, who lost six family members in the Hamas massacre. “I accuse Benjamin Netanyahu of leading Israel to the biggest disaster in its history,” said Kedem, a resident of Kibbutz Ein Hashlosha, in a video posted last Friday.
“I accuse him of tearing apart the nation with the judicial coup, which dismantled and weakened the state in the face of its enemies; of forsaking the communities near the Gaza border for years; of strengthening Hamas by way of suitcases of money; of ignoring the warnings of the heads of defense organizations. The blood of my family is on his hands.”
11/11 — NPR: After Hamas Attack, Most Israelis Want Netanyahu to Resign, According to Poll
Last year, he[Netanyahu] invited far-right religious parties to govern with him. Together they have expanded Jewish settlements in the West Bank, alienating the moderate Palestinian Authority, which governs that territory. Meanwhile, Netanyahu was accused of bolstering the more hard-line rule of Hamas in the Gaza Strip, in a risky move to try to drive a wedge between Palestinian leaders in the two noncontiguous territories.
Recent poll reported by Haaretz – As War Rages, Israelis’ Trust in Netanyahu Plummets, Polls Find
”A poll conducted by researchers at Bar Ilan University asked Israelis about trust in information and decision-making regarding the war in Gaza. Results show that under 4 percent trust Netanyahu; IDF Spokesman Hagari emerges as ‘most reliable’ figure”
To reiterate, this is not some conspiracy theory that Israel propped up Hamas for decades. This is a historical fact, one reported in Israeli media for all to see as well as our own.
It is a testament to the Israeli propaganda machine that people even try to argue that Israel did not prop up Hamas for years. But people do argue out of ignorance. Seeing so many deny this basic reality is partially what inspired me to write this article and collect the evidence in one place, although most of it all has been uploaded to G3 News and The Daily Psyop newswires on Telegram already as I have stumbled across it.
After Hamas’ attack, even legacy media began reminding people of the reality that Netanyahu propped up Hamas for years…. too big of a reality not to address.
10/14 — The Times of Israel — For Years, Netanyahu Propped up Hamas. Now It’s Blown up in Our Faces
The premier’s policy of treating the terror group as a partner, at the expense of Abbas and Palestinian statehood, has resulted in wounds that will take Israel years to heal from
For years, the various governments led by Benjamin Netanyahu took an approach that divided power between the Gaza Strip and the West Bank — bringing Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas to his knees while making moves that propped up the Hamas terror group.The idea was to prevent Abbas — or anyone else in the Palestinian Authority’s West Bank government — from advancing toward the establishment of a Palestinian state.
Thus, amid this bid to impair Abbas, Hamas was upgraded from a mere terror group to an organization with which Israel held indirect negotiations via Egypt, and one that was allowed to receive infusions of cash from abroad.
10/14 — The Intercept: “Before They Vowed to Annihilate Hamas, Israeli Officials Considered It an Asset”
“Hamas has long offered Israel an alibi to avoid abiding by its supposed commitment to Palestinian statehood.
You get the idea. Israel propped up the terrorist group Hamas to divide Palestine and prevent Palestinian statehood. The rest is history.
Like Covid – Early Warning Signs Missed, Delayed Interception and Response to Threat
For starters, Hamas was warning in August of an ‘all-out war’ if Israeli assassinations continued… so you would think security would have been being taken extra seriously on the border.
8/28 — Hamas Ready for ‘All-Out War’ if Israel Resumes Assassinations
In an interview with Al-Mayadeen on 25 August, Arouri had said that the Israeli government’s “extremist policies” will “cause an all-out war in the region.”
“Some in the Cabinet are considering actions such as taking control of Al-Aqsa Mosque and dividing it, along with assassinations, knowing that this would lead to a regional war. If we reach the point of an all-out confrontation, Israel will face an unprecedented defeat in its history, and we are confident of that.”
Israel was also preparing for “All-Out War”….
7/17 [months before Oct 7th]— Israel Relies on AI Systems to Prepare for ‘All-Out War’
The Israel military has started using artificial intelligence (AI) to more quickly select targets for air strikes and manage wartime logistics, as Israel seeks to prepare for a possible “all-out war,” against Iran, Syria and the Palestinian resistance factions, Bloomberg reported on 17 July.
But that was just one significant indication Hamas was planning something, or at least intelligence related to Hamas attack plans should be taken seriously. And that was what was public. Indeed, I posted those stories for the G3News Wire on Telegram in July and August, before the Oct 7th attack. But Israeli Intelligence and leadership had more even more indications behind the scenes of an imminent attack that civilian OSINT autists didn’t have access to.
An Egyptian Intelligence official went on record 2 days after the October 7th attack to claim that Israel had “ignored repeated warnings” by Egyptian intelligence of “something big” being planned by Hamas

10/9/23 —Times of Israel: Egypt Intelligence Official Says Israel Ignored Repeated Warnings of ‘Something Big’
Mounting questions over Israel’s massive intelligence failure to anticipate and prepare for a surprise Hamas assault were compounded Monday when an Egyptian intelligence official said that Jerusalem had ignored repeated warnings that the Gaza-based terror group was planning “something big” — which included an apparent direct notice from Cairo’s intelligence minister to the prime minister[to Netanyahu!].
The Egyptian official said Egypt, which often serves as a mediator between Israel and Hamas, had spoken repeatedly with the Israelis about “something big,” without elaborating.
He said Israeli officials were focused on the West Bank and played down the threat from Gaza….
“We have warned them an explosion of the situation is coming, and very soon, and it would be big. But they underestimated such warnings,” the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he wasn’t authorized to discuss the content of sensitive intelligence discussions with the media, told The Associated Press.Netanyahu denied receiving any such advance warning, saying in the course of an address to the nation Monday night that the story was “fake news.”
…However, Israel was not only ignoring clear warnings from its allies.For Palestinians in Gaza, Israel’s eyes are never very far away. Surveillance drones buzz constantly in the skies. The highly secured border is awash with security cameras and soldiers on guard. Intelligence agencies work sources and cyber capabilities to draw out information.
But Israel’s eyes appeared to have been closed in the lead-up to the surprise onslaught by the Hamas terror group, which broke through Israeli border barriers…

10/25 — Israeli Citizen Journalist Gal Shalev on How the Barbaric Attack on Israel Could Have Happened
“…that’s impossible for our intelligence not to see. To have fifty trucks with these massive armaments on top… you can’t drive that thing for 2 minutes around Gaza without the Eyes in the Sky seeing you.”
Well….as we now know, the “eyes in the sky” referred to by Gal Shalev *did* see warnings and signs of the attack.
Israeli Leadership Didn’t just Ignore Hamas’ Threats of All-Out War, or Egyptian Intelligence’s Warnings of an Imminent Attack, but Warnings From Within its Own Ranks Were Ignored..
Israeli soldiers and analysts have stepped forward to explain that for months they were warning superiors and passing intelligence up the chain of command indicating an imminent attack.
On October 26th, The Times of Israel reported that “Survivors of massacre on IDF base say they passed information up the chain of command on digging, mapping, training near the fence long before mass onslaught, but were ignored”.

10/27 — Times of Israel: Surveillance Soldiers Warned of Hamas Activity on Gaza Border for Months Before Oct. 7
At least three months prior to the attack, surveillance soldiers serving on a base in Nahal Oz reported signs that something unusual was underway at the already-tumultuous Gaza border, situated a kilometer from them
The activity reported by the soldiers included information on Hamas operatives conducting training sessions multiple times a day, digging holes and placing explosives along the border. According to the accounts of the soldiers, no action was taken by those who received the reports.….
The soldiers gather information through a variety of cameras, sensors and maps, and are expected to be acutely aware of every small change that happens in the 15-30 kilometers of land that they are each responsible for monitoring.Once relevant information has been gathered by the surveillance soldiers, it is passed up the chain of command, including to intelligence officials who then determine what steps need to be taken. However, according to the accounts of two surveillance soldiers stationed on a base in Kibbutz Nahal Oz, the signs of what was to come on October 7 were never taken seriously.
In a segment aired on Kan News on Wednesday evening, two soldiers, Yael Rotenberg and Maya Desiatnik, recounted their experiences in the months before the attack and up until 6:30 a.m. on Saturday, October 7.Rotenberg recalled frequently seeing many Palestinians dressed in civilian clothing approach the border fence with maps, examining the ground around it and digging holes. One time, when she passed the information on, she was told that they were farmers, and there was nothing to worry about.
Rotenberg was asleep when the attack began, and of the surveillance soldiers who were in the living quarters that morning, she is the only one to have survived. Desiatnik, who was on duty, was the only other surveillance soldier at the base not killed or abducted.
“It’s infuriating,” she told Kan of the intelligence failure. “We saw what was happening, we told them about it, and we were the ones who were murdered.”
The Hamas terrorists would train at the border fence nonstop, Desiatnik told Kan. At first, it was once a week, then once a day, and then nearly constantly.
In addition to passing on information about the frequency of the training going on at the fence, the surveillance soldier said she collected evidence of the content of the training, which included how to drive a tank and how to cross into Israel via a tunnel. As the activity on the border increased, she realized that “it was just a matter of time” until something happened.Former tatzpitaniyot Amit Yerushalmi and Noa Melman corroborated the accounts of the two survivors in an interview published by Channel 12 on Thursday morning.
Yerushalmi had finished her mandatory service a month prior to October 7, and had observed the increased activity on the Gaza border in the months leading up to her release.
“We sat on shifts and saw the convoy of vans. We saw the training, people shooting and rolling, practicing taking over a tank. The training went from once a week to twice a week, from every day to several times a day,” she told Channel 12.
“We saw patrols along the border, people with cameras and binoculars. It happened 300 meters from the fence. There were a lot of disturbances, people went down to the fence and detonated an outrageous amount of explosives, the amount of explosives was crazy.”
Like Rotenberg and Desiatnik, Yerushalmi said that she passed the information along, but that nobody seemed to take it seriously.
“I saw what was happening, I wrote everything down on the computer and passed it on. I don’t know what happened with it, we don’t actually know what they do with the information.”
Melman finished her mandatory service some nine months ago, but told Channel 12 that even then, there were indications of what was to come, including a mock border fence set up by Hamas in order for the terrorists to practice, again and again, blowing up the border and crossing over to the other side.
….In the weeks before October 7, Rotenberg noticed that the efforts of the Hamas soldiers were concentrated at two specific points of the area she was responsible for tracking. However, she continued to hear from her commanders that it wasn’t important and that there was nothing that could be done about it.
Note: Israeli Surveillance soldier Melman is on record saying that there were observed indications of an attack being planned early as nine months ago.
On October 7th, immediately after the attack, CNN published, “A ‘Pearl Harbor’ Moment: Why Didn’t Israel’s Sophisticated Border Security Stop Saturday’s Attack?” in which CNN acknowledged that Israel “found itself caught off-guard, despite decades in which the country became a technology powerhouse that boasts one of the world’s most impressive armed forces and a premier intelligence agency.”
The author felt the need to acknowledge it as having one of the most impressive armed forces and premier intelligence agencies in the world, because it is highly surprising and relevant that such superior forces were caught off guard by some paragliders from one of the poorest regions in the world.
Indeed, many Israelis(most of whom have served in the IDF as mandatory) have begun to suspect October 7th was a false-flag, or “inside job”. This doesn’t mean Israel planned the attack, could and likely was merely an intelligence stand-down that allowed the attack to take place before responding.
An IDF soldier on why he believes Oct 7 was an inside job.
11/11 — Financial Times: How Israel’s Spymasters Misread Hamas
For two years, Menachem Gida wrestled with a dark sense of foreboding.
The communications hobbyist was part of a team of volunteers who, using a “satellite farm” in southern Israel, compulsively monitored Gaza’s communications networks and Arab media, passing on nuggets of information to the Israeli military.
It was a semi-formal relationship. But when they repeatedly warned that Hamas fighters were conducting elaborate war games near the border, the amateur snoops were brushed aside. “The Israeli military officer told us: ‘You’re not important, we don’t need you,’” Gida said.
Gida was not alone. Michael Milstein, an ex-military intelligence officer, told his former colleagues and wrote numerous articles in the press saying that Israel’s approach to Hamas was not working — but nobody paid much attention. “The writing was on the wall,” said Milstein, a former government adviser on Palestinian affairs in Gaza and the West Bank. “Hamas was preaching war.”
Even warnings from Israel’s Combat Intelligence Corps, which monitors the country’s frontier with Gaza, were ignored…
The Financial Times article would then go on to detail the 2 members of Israel’s Combat Intelligence Corps that were featured above in the Times of Israel article, “Surveillance Soldiers Warned of Hamas Activity on Gaza Border for Months Before Oct. 7‘“
The synchronised attack shattered Israel’s faith in its military and intelligence services. Not only had they failed to track what one of its main enemies was planning, they had ignored multiple warnings that Hamas was preparing a major offensive, often in plain sight.
Yet, despite the intelligence being there for Israel to have been able to do its job, Israeli leadership didn’t take the lesson to be to improve security protocols and threat assessment. No, as FT reports:
…The lessons that Israeli security officials have drawn from their failure to anticipate the assault have deadly implications. Their conclusion is that Israel can no longer depend on intelligence to provide an early warning of attacks from Gaza, or on the country’s military might to deter them. Instead, it must pre-empt potential threats by directly eliminating them.
“The only solution is: no more relying on intelligence,” the senior Israeli official said. “Deterrence is no longer enough . . . It is a new paradigm.”
Now that we’ve established the context being that Hamas was propped up by Israel, starting in the 70’s, continuing up to Netanyahu, who whole heartedly embraced the idea in an agenda to deprive the Palestinians statehood….
We can probably acknowledge, or at least consider, the basic reality that Israel does not want Palestine to achieve statehood because Israel wants Palestinian land for itself, for the Israeli state. And this is where it becomes awfully convenient for Israeli leadership who want to expand territory to have an attack as a pretext. After all, this has allowed them to expand previously (being attacked).

Hamas’s Attack, like Covid, Set a Pretext for Expansion of Power That was Already Desired by Many in Power
Propaganda and Psyops aside, at the core of the issues between Israel and Palestine is land rights.
Israel wants Palestinian land. Palestinians want to keep their land.
Hamas’s October 7th attack gave Israel a pretext to carpet bomb Gaza for weeks, displace millions of Gazans, and make the 25 by 5 mile strip of land even more inhabitable and hellish for those remaining. Even if they do not set up settlements at the heart of Gaza tommorow, the first step in settling the land is displacing the current residents.
On October 16th, Antiwar.com published: “Israeli President Says There Are No Innocent Civilians in Gaza”
Isaac Herzog says: ‘It is not true this rhetoric about civilians not being aware, not involved’
Israeli President Isaac Herzog said Friday that civilians in Gaza bear responsibility for the Hamas attack on southern Israel as Israeli bombs are killing scores of people in the besieged enclave.
“It is an entire nation out there that is responsible,” Herzog said, referring to Gaza, which is not recognized as an independent nation. “It is not true this rhetoric about civilians not being aware, not involved. It’s absolutely not true.”
…Proponents of the collective punishment of Gaza often claim the civilians living in the enclave elected Hamas. But the last time Gazans participated in elections was in 2006, and many of the enclave’s current citizens were not at voting age or even alive at the time, as about half of Gaza’s 2.3 million residents are children.Hamas’ party won the 2006 elections, but a government was not formed based on the results. After the elections, fighting broke out between Hamas and the rival Fatah party, which was encouraged and backed by the George W. Bush administration. The fighting led to Hamas taking power as the de facto governing body in Gaza in 2007.
Of course, Hamas taking power in 2007 referenced here happened shortly after outgoing head of Military Intelligence Maj.-Gen. Amos Yadlin said in the summer of 2007 that Israel would be “happy” if Hamas took over the Gaza Strip[to deprive Palestinians of achieving statehood], a fact I feel the need to re-emphasize.
As the Intercept noted in the article “Before They Vowed to Annihilate Hamas, Israeli Officials Considered It an Asset”, recent events have set the conditions for Israel to brand all Palestinians as terrorists, which has been a long running inclination of zionists.
…Herzog’s remarks represent Israeli policymakers’ longtime conflation of Hamas with all Palestinians in Gaza and often with all Palestinians everywhere. Such attitudes have hardened in the past week. The Israel Defense Forces, for example, posted that “you either stand with Israel or you stand with terrorism.” Many U.S. politicians have issued similar claims. “Anyone that is pro-Palestinian is pro-Hamas,” tweeted Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga.”
Sure, Israel could have simply had a genuine failure of leadership and intelligence to foresee the attack. But if they wanted to displace Palestinians from Gaza before this attack, allowing Hamas to attack and do some damage to provide pretext would be one way to do it.
It is worth noting that 3 weeks after the attack, a document written on October 13th was leaked to the press, which described Israeli plans to drive the entire population of Gaza into the Sinai desert and force Egypt to adopt them…permanently with no chance to return. A second Nakba.
The Cradle: Leaked: Israeli Plan to Ethnically Cleanse Gaza
The plan advocates the forced transfer of the population of the Gaza Strip to Sinai permanently, and calls for the international community to be leveraged to assist the move
Israeli culture magazine Mekovit published on 28 October a leaked document issued by Israel’s Ministry of Intelligence recommending the occupation of Gaza and total transfer of its 2.3 million inhabitants to Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula.The document, issued on 13 October, identifies a plan to transfer of all residents of the Gaza Strip to North Sinai as the preferred option among three alternatives regarding the future of the Palestinians in Gaza at the end of the current war between Israel and the Hamas-led Palestinian resistance.
The document recommends that Israel evacuate the Gazan population to Sinai during the war, establish tent cities and new cities in northern Sinai to accommodate the deported population, and then create a closed security zone stretching several kilometers inside Egypt. The deported Palestinians would not be allowed to return to any areas near the Israeli border….
However, recent statements by Israeli government officials and actions by the Israeli army in Gaza suggest the plan is indeed being implemented.…Leaking the document was an attempt to find out whether “the public in Israel is ready to accept ideas of a transfer from Gaza.”
The document unequivocally and explicitly recommends carrying out a transfer of civilians from Gaza as the desired outcome of the war.
The day after the document leaked, Declassified published “Israel’s Long-Held Plan to Drive Gaza’s People into Sinai Is Now Within Reach”
.‘Greater Gaza’
Behind the scenes, Israeli officials term their latest ethnic cleansing proposal a “Greater Gaza Plan”. Details first leaked in the Israeli media in 2014, although reports indicate that the origins date to 2007, when the Bush administration was apparently brought on board following Hamas’ election victory in Gaza a year earlier.
At the time, Israel’s secret plan relied on carrots more than sticks. The idea was to attach Gaza to Sinai, erasing the border between the two. Washington would help secure international funding for a free trade zone in Sinai.
With unemployment at over 60 per cent, massive overcrowding in the enclave and little clean water to drink, the expectation was that Palestinians in Gaza would gradually move the centre of their lives to Sinai, settling there or moving to distant Egyptian cities.
Following the leaks, Egyptian and Palestinian officials hurriedly denounced the plan as “fabricated”. However, there were plenty of clues that Egypt had begun facing pressure from 2007 onwards.
In response to the Israeli media leaks of 2014, an official close to former president Hosni Mubarak admitted that the screws had been turned on him in 2007 to agree to annex Gaza.
Five years later, according to the same source, Mohamed Morsi, who led a short-lived Muslim Brotherhood government, sent a delegation to Washington. There, the Americans proposed that “Egypt cede a third of the Sinai to Gaza in a two-stage process spanning four to five years”. Morsi too refused.
……Israel’s goal is to speed up the process of making Gaza uninhabitable.Israel needs Palestinians in Gaza so desperate to leave that they will ethnically cleanse themselves, and Egypt under so much opprobrium for not opening the border to Sinai that it finally relents.
With its current bombing campaign, Israel has moved from carrots to a very large stick.
Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu is aware that he has only a limited time-window to effect enough carnage to realise Israel’s plan.
Notably, back in 2018, veteran Israeli reporter Ron Ben-Yishai revealed that the Israeli military was considering a new strategy towards Gaza that involved invading it and dissecting it in two, with Israel occupying the northern half.
At the same time the US was said to be willing to deepen Gaza’s humanitarian crisis by withholding funds from UNRWA, the UN’s relief agency.
Israel propped up Hamas, starting in the 70’s to prevent Palestinian statehood. This continued until past 2020.
Israel had ample indication Hamas was planning an attack
Hamas was threatening all-out war
Warnings from Egyptian intelligence including “Apparent direct notice from Cairo’s intelligence minister to the prime minister[to Netanyahu”
Months of warnings and sign passed up the chain of command from within Israel’s own ranks, in various areas and governmental organizations.
The attack gave Israel a pretext for its ‘Greater Gaza’ plan to drive the Gazans into Sinai and claim Gaza for itself
Spike Cohen’s comments on October 7th in relation to Israel having been funding Hamas for decades, including very recently, to disrupt Palestinian Statehood:
“Ask yourself why they’d do that.
Ask yourself why the most secure border on earth fell to people on paragliders.
Consider who this war benefits:
– Netanyahu, whose corruption scandals are now ignored
– Hamas leadership, some of whom are billionaires that don’t even live in Gaza
– The US/Western military industrial complex…
– The US govt…
And all at the low, low cost of the God knows how many innocent Israelis and Palestinians who will die.
Please, think.”
Botched Response – Israeli Airforce Dumping Payload on Citizens is to October 7th what Lockdowns were to Covid – Damaged Those Who Were Supposed to Be Protected.
Not only did the IDF and Mossad fail in preventing the attack in the first place, but after Israeli air force did show up to the scene, they had trouble differentiating between Hamas and Israelis on the ground, and offloaded their payloads on the ground despite this.
The first indications of this came from Israeli media. On October 15th, Israeli publisher Ynet “Hamas deception to IDF helicopters and targeting of pilots in WhatsApp“
Ynet describes the initial contact by Israeli airforce and Hamas in the subtitle, reporting that “The first helicopters were fed precisely from the north of the country, arriving at the Gaza wrap about an hour after the fighting began. The terrorists were instructed not to run so that the air would think they were Israeli. The pilots fired at the cross of the fence, and also right inside the localities. Pilots received information from the ground on mobile. In 4 hours, about 300 targets were hit”.
Then the article gets interesting..
“After the pilots realized that there was tremendous difficulty in distinguishing within the posts and localities occupied by a terrorist and a soldier or civilian, A decision was made that the first mission of the battle helicopters and the armed forces was to stop the flood of terrorists and murderous crowds that flocked to Israeli territory through breaches of the fence.
Twenty-eight combat helicopters fired all ammunition in their stomachs throughout the day of combat, in re-armament rounds.
These are hundreds of 30mm cannon shells (effect of spray grenade per shell) as well as Hellfire missiles.
The pace of shooting in front of the thousands of terrorists was tremendous at first, and only at one point did the pilots begin to slow down the attacks and carefully select the targets.”
Likewise, another Israeli publisher, Mako, published “The Apache pilots who first arrived at the scene of the fighting speak”
”They were the ones who had to deal with hundreds of terrorists who broke the border – and distinguish between terrorists and civilians, between kidnappers and kidnappers”
There were other indications in the article that the pilots didn’t know who they were shooting, but these details didn’t really get noticed until after video footage went viral from an Israeli drone showing the damage to a parking lot at the music festival. The video features scorched cars that many say Hamas weaponry simply could not have caused, showing the extent to which the Israeli air force dealt damage.
11/7 — Israel’s Military Released Drone Footage Showing Hundreds of Scorched and Damaged Cars Moved From the Nova Music Festival.
The air force / apache helicopter pilots arnt’t the only ones accused of friendly fire.
On October 22nd, Mondoweiss published the headline: “A Growing Number of Reports Indicate Israeli Forces Responsible for Israeli Civilian and Military Deaths Following October 7 Attack”
”Many details of what transpired on October 7 continue to be shrouded in mystery, including how the 1,400 Israelis who died were killed. A growing number of reports indicate the Israeli military was responsible for civilian and military deaths.”
The article begins by introducing a Haaretz article from 3 days prior, titled “Failures Leading Up to the Hamas Attack That Changed Israel Forever” by “its senior military analyst, Amos Harel, describing Israel’s failure to prepare for Hamas’s October 7 attacks. He introduces his readers to ‘the commander of the Gaza Division, Brig. Gen. Avi Rosenfeld,’ “
The article would go on to draw a picture of the “high commander, hiding with a few soldiers in an underground bunker and ordering an aerial bombardment of ‘the base’ where his soldiers were fighting against Hamas militants, maybe wounded and maybe taken as prisoners,” which “has a lot to say about the Israeli psyche in these bloody times.”
Electronic Intifada published a long interview with Yasmin Porat, describing how she was held hostage by Palestinian militants in Kibbutz Be’eri. According to her account, the kidnappers treated her and other hostages “humanely,” believing they would be allowed to retreat safely to Gaza due to the protection of the Israeli captives. However, when the Israeli soldiers arrived, “they eliminated everyone, including the hostages. There was very, very heavy crossfire.”
Her testimony is complemented by evidence from Israeli soldiers who described how the Israeli military shot tank shells into buildings where militants and their hostages were hiding.
On October 11, Quique Kierszenbaum reported in The Guardian about his tour of Kibbutz Be’eri, a tour organized by the Israeli Army’s propaganda unit. He writes:
“Building after building has been destroyed, whether in the Hamas assault or in the fighting that followed, nearby trees splintered and walls reduced to concrete rubble from where Israeli tanks blasted the Hamas militants where they were hiding. Floors collapsed on floors. Roof beams were tangled and exposed like rib cages.”
In another report in Haaretz in Hebrew (it does not appear to be available in English) on October 11, probably following the same army-guided PR tour, Nir Hasson and Eden Solomon interviewed “Erez, deputy commander of an armored reserve battalion.” He described how he and his tanks unit “fought inside the kibbutz, from house to house, with the tanks.” “We had no choice,” he concludes.
….It is clear Palestinian militants were hiding in these buildings with their Israeli captives as Israeli soldiers were blasting their way in with massive tank shells in close quarters. It deserves to be investigated who caused most of the death and destruction that took place. This is especially important as these deaths are now being used to justify the destruction of Gaza and the killing of thousands of civilians there.
Pilots have told Israeli media they scrambled to the battlefield without any intelligence, unable to differentiate between Hamas fighters and Israeli noncombatants, and yet determined to “empty the belly” of their war machines. “I find myself in a dilemma as to what to shoot at, because there are so many of them,” one Apache pilot commented.
Max Blumenthal tweeted on Nov. 11th: “Israeli Tank Commander Killed in Gaza After Being Described to Have Been Ordered to Shell Israeli Homes on October 7
His claim that he did “checks” to ensure no Israelis were inside the home does not add up. It’s increasingly clear many Israelis died from friendly fire on 10/7.
11/02 — The Guardian: “Israeli tank commander hailed as hero after Hamas attack is killed in Gaza”
“I arrived in Be’eri to see Brig Gen Barak Hiram and the first thing he asks me is to fire a shell into a house [where Hamas were sheltering],” he said.
“The first question that comes to your mind is – are there hostages there? We did all the preliminary checks before we decided to fire a shell into a house. And then we went from house to house to free the hostages. And that’s how the fighting was until the evening. In the kibbutz and in the streets”
11/9 — Israeli Apache Helicopters Killed Own Soldiers, Civilians on 7 October: Report
The Hebrew language newspaper reports that the mission of the combat helicopters and the armed Zik drones was to stop the flow of Hamas fighters and looters that poured into Israeli territory through the gaps in the Gaza border fence.
This was complicated by the difficulty the pilots had in distinguishing between Hamas fighters, Palestinian looters dressed in civilian clothing, and Israelis.
The paper notes, “This deception worked for a considerable time until the Apaches had to skip all the restrictions. It was only around 9:00 a.m. that some of them began to spray the terrorists with the cannons on their own, without authorization from superiors.”
“The rate of fire against the thousands of terrorists was tremendous at first, and only at a certain point did the pilots begin to slow down the attacks and carefully select the target,” the paper added.
Despite the confusion, twenty-eight Israeli combat helicopters fired all of the ammunition they were holding, including hundreds of 30 mm cannon shells and Hellfire missiles, during the day.
After landing his Apache to reload ammunition at roughly 10:00 am, the commander of the 190 squadron instructed the other pilots “to shoot at everything they see in the fence area,” separating Israel from Gaza.
The same commander at one point attacked an Israeli military post with besieged soldiers inside…
….The Guardian reported that Israel’s influential finance minister and settler leader, Bezalel Smotrich, urged the Israeli army to “hit Hamas brutally and not take the matter of the captives into significant consideration” during a cabinet meeting late on 7 October as the Hamas attack was still underway
Footage of Israeli Helicopter Killing Many People at October 7 Festival(sourced from the Mako article referenced at the beginning of this section on the Botched response)

The meme above is not supposed to detract from the horror of what took place on October 7th, but to emphasize it. I recognize some will be upset anyway upon seeing it and feel offended. If this applies to you, please direct that energy towards people in power, and demand accountability and answers for what took place on October 7th.
Roger Waters and Abby Martin recently discussed Oct 7th Crossfire, Hostages, Casualty Figures on EmpireFiles
Abby Martin: “Read every story, every description of October 7 … 1400 Israeli civilians were slaughtered in cold blood.
We don’t know how many of those people were military, we don’t know how many were armed settlers, and we don’t know how many Israeli forces killed themselves between the crossfire, the shelling into the kabbutzes, and also via Apache helicopters with fleeing civilians in the crowd of the festival.
I think that an investigation is necessary and an accountability is necessary to find out what the hell actually did happen on October 7 because the narrative quickly fell apart.”
Personally, I think it is amazing Netanyahu is still in power. He won’t be for long. Not only has he pissed off all of Israel’s population according to polls, but his fellow statemen have turned from him, as he is the scapegoat for the intelligence failure – not to imply he isn’t to blame, but to imply others are offsetting their own blame and wanting him to take it all.
He tried to deflect the blame being attributed to him, tweeting at the end of October blaming the military and Israel’s domestic intelligence agency for having assessed that Hamas was deterred.
10/29 — Al Jazeera: How Netanyahu’s Tweet Fallout Unfolded
– Netanyahu then in a tweet blamed the military and the Shin Bet – Israel’s intelligence services – for having assessed that Hamas was deterred and wanted to come to a settlement.
– Gantz, a retired general and member of Israel’s war cabinet, urged Netanyahu to retract the statement.
– Israeli opposition politician Lapid also slammed Netanyahu, saying the PM “crossed a red line”.
– Netanyahu then deleted the tweet.
– National Security Minister and far-right leader Ben-Gvir says “the policy of containment, the imaginary deterrence, and the purchase of temporary peace at an exorbitant price, [these] are the fathers of all sins”.
– Israeli FM Ashkenazi and Labor Party chair Michaeli then joined the criticism of Netanyahu’s tweet.
– Netanyahu then issued an apology tweet saying that he “was wrong … and I apologize for that”.
While Netanyahu is still in power, he is being given the cold shoulder by his peers.
11/12 — After Netanyahu finished his speech, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, and Benny Gantz, a member of the War Cabinet, ignored Netanyahu and turned their backs to him —
11/9 — The Cradle: Netanyahu ‘A Danger to Israel’: Former Israel PM
The Israeli prime minister is in a ‘state of nervous breakdown’ fearing he will be removed from office, former prime minister Ehud Olmert says
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been “destroyed emotionally” by his failure to prevent the 7 October Hamas attack and is now miscalculating by preparing to take overall control of Gaza’s security for an “indefinite period” if the Palestinian resistance group is defeated in Gaza, according to former Israeli leader Ehud Olmert.
Even Clinton is getting in on the dog pile
11/11 — Regime Change Needed in Israel and Palestine – Clinton
I digress, while Netanyahu might be the agreed upon scapegoat, what to do with Gaza after the war seems less clear. One thing is for sure. The Israeli’s haven’t stopped desiring Gaza for themselves. And they haven’t stopped using the terrorist attack to justify terrorist attacks of their own. Today, like any other day in the past few weeks, you have an assortment of war crimes to choose from. If you don’t follow G3News or The Daily Psyop on Telegram, please consider subscribing to us to stay updated.
Did Israeli leaders allow the attack to happen? Was there an intelligence stand down? Did Israeli tanks and helicopters contribute to the Israeli citizen death count? Will Israel negotiate for Hostages? How many Israelis died from friendly fire? Will Israel continue getting way with terrorism? What will happen to Netanyahu and Gaza after the war? Is Gaza going to continue to be ethnically cleansed? Will Palestine ever have a pathway to statehood?
Updated 11/23:
Related Reading Post Publication: 11/18 — Haaretz: Assessment in the Security Establishment: Hamas Did Not Know in Advance About the Nova Festival, and Recognized It From the Air – And Apache Helicopters Fired on Israeli Citizens
11/18 — Al Jazeera: Israel : Police Report Provides New Details Corroborating Israeli Apache Helicopters Firing on Festival Attendees
11/20 — The Cradle: Israel Implemented ‘Mass Hannibal’ Directive on 7 October: Israeli Pilot
11/22 — Al Jazeera: ‘Unprecedented Fiasco’: Israeli Writer Condemns Oct 7 Security Failure
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