The Daily Psyop

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#NEWS | Politico reported that the EU countries are actively working on the legal framework to intercept and arrest tankers, which are part of the Russian oil-transporting ‘shadow fleet’ of old, poorly maintained, and often uninsured… – The Global Eye

 #NEWS | Politico reported that the EU countries are actively working on the legal framework to intercept and arrest tankers, which are part of the Russian oil-transporting ‘shadow fleet’ of old, poorly maintained, and often uninsured vessels.

In response, deputy head of the Russian Parliament’s Defense Committee Aleksey Zhuravlyov just claimed that ‘any attack on the Russian carriers in the Baltic Sea should be considered as an attack on Russia.’

Russia’s ‘shadow fleet’ of old tankers came into existence after almost all the major maritime companies refused to transport Russian oil or service vessels that are engaged in these activities – due to the US sanctions.

Lately, tankers belonging to the fleet experienced a series of accidents – some are suspicious, some happened due to their obvious poor technical condition. That creates substantial ecological and financial risks, as the vessels carry toxic materials and do not have proper insurance to cover damages.

#EU #Russia

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READ FULL ARTICLE: This article originally appeared on The Global Eye


Found of The Daily Psyop. Passionate about Foreign Policy. Have been actively involved in Independent Media since 2019.

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