Former Israeli Prime Minister, Ehud Olmert was asked whether Netanyahu funded and deliberately propped up Hamas….
“Yes, you are repeating what I have been saying for a long time”
🔗SOURCE ➡️ PepeDownUnder
Related: 5/9 — Netanyahu Implored Qataris to Continue Funding Hamas in 2018 Letter
“…long-standing policy of backing Hamas was part of a larger effort by Netanyahu and Likud to divide the Palestinians“
TheMcgWire’s / @PsyopDaily ‘s Oct 7th Intelligence Stand-Down Series — Part One: 11/14 Oct. 7 is to Radical Zionists As Covid was to Davos Elite: Convenient to a Pre-Existing Depopulation Agenda
11/28 — Part 2: More Israeli Military Personnel, Witnesses Speak Out, Substantiating Oct. 7 “Conspiracy Theories” That IDF Killed Israeli Civilians and Israeli Leadership Ignored Intelligence Prior to Attack
12/3 — Part 3: Blueprints Possessed by Israel Year Before Attack – MORE Evidence Oct. 7th Was an Intelligence Stand-Down
11/09 — Netanyahu ‘A Danger to Israel’: Former Israel PM
]( ➡️ @PsyopDaily
READ FULL ARTICLE: This article originally appeared on The Daily Psyop
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