The Daily Psyop

Where Skepticism Meets Insight


We got US and Israel funding Jihadi terrorists over here – Anarchismemes

 We got US and Israel funding Jihadi terrorists over here

See, nobody cares

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Related: 1/26 — US Enlists Extremists To Attack Russian Troops In Syria

8/9 — Business Insider: Russia and Iran Supporting Syria ‘To Push US Forces Out In a Coercive and Systematic Effort’ [X]

“5/19/2019 —
Leaked OPCW Bombshell Report Shatters the Official Syria Narrative

The US was supporting the opposition… identified to mainly be composed of Islamic extremists, including an Al-Qaeda offshoot, AQI.

Related Memes: “My role in the CIA was to go out and convince Al Qaeda operatives to instead work with us”

Rare Photos of the US Army in Syria Seizing The Chemical Weapons

Yo Assad, We’ve basically ended the war, destroyed ISIS…, any orders?

“When your enemy is nearly defeated, and final victory is at hand, gas your own people so that nations greater than yours will intervene and destroy you. Sun Tzu

Israel Backed ISIS in Syria + al qaeda ofc

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READ FULL ARTICLE: This article originally appeared on Anarchismemes


Found of The Daily Psyop. Passionate about Foreign Policy. Have been actively involved in Independent Media since 2019.

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