The Daily Psyop

Where Skepticism Meets Insight


❗️Statement issued by Hezbollah: – The Cradle

 ❗️Statement issued by Hezbollah:

The popular sit-in organized by Hezbollah yesterday in condemnation of the blatant Israeli interference in Lebanese affairs and the violation of national sovereignty, was a peaceful movement and a civilized expression of a popular position rejecting unjustified submission to external dictates. However, the protesters were surprised when some members of the Lebanese army fired tear gas bombs at them, in a reprehensible act that constitutes an unjustified attack on peaceful citizens. It is a suspicious attempt to drag the army into a confrontation with its people.

Hezbollah, out of a position of concern, calls on the army command to open an urgent investigation into this reprehensible attack and take appropriate measures to preserve the role of the military institution in protecting stability and civil peace.

Hezbollah also calls on the Lebanese government to assume its full responsibilities in protecting peaceful protesters and their right to express their positions and demands, and demands that it reverse its decision to prevent Iranian planes from landing at Beirut airport and take serious measures to prevent the Israeli enemy from imposing its dictates and violating national sovereignty.

On the other hand, Hezbollah condemns the incident that occurred to the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) the day before yesterday in the vicinity of Rafiq Hariri International Airport, and affirms its absolute rejection of any targeting of it, as well as any harm to public and private property.”

READ FULL ARTICLE: This article originally appeared on The Cradle


Found of The Daily Psyop. Passionate about Foreign Policy. Have been actively involved in Independent Media since 2019.

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